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For Men - Botox and Dermal Fillers

Faces Refreshed - Lynnette Allen NP-C

734 Walt Whitman Road - Ste 101

Melville, NY  11747


Feminine Wellness Is About Vaginal Health In Melville, Long Island and New York

Feminine wellness is all about women understanding and connecting with the health and well-being of the most intimate part of their body, their vagina. Maintaining your vaginal health and feminine wellness is an important part of living an overall healthy lifestyle.


A women’s’ vaginal health is an important part of her total well-being and talking about vaginal health doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. In fact, all women experience vaginal health issues at some point in their life and that’s completely normal.


It is an area of the body that many women feel uncomfortable talking about, but should it be so private that its functioning be shrouded in mystery? Never mind how confused men are about the female anatomy, so much of the information even women have is inaccurate.


With options like the O-Shot and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy with BioTE there are finally many options to help women deal with their feminine wellness.

Feminine Wellness and Vagina Rejuvenation

Women are Talking About Their

Vaginal Health in Melville, New York.

Feminine wellness is an important part of a woman's overall health. Vaginal problems can affect your fertility, desire for sex and ability to reach orgasm. Ongoing vaginal health issues can also cause stress or relationship problems and issues like urinary stress incontinence can impact your self-confidence.


Life processes such as childbirth, weight fluctuations and hormonal changes may overstretch and damage vaginal tissue, damage the pelvic floor and alter the mucosal tone of the vaginal wall. These physical changes can lead to conditions such as stress urinary incontinence, vaginal atrophy, dryness, and recurring infections - negatively affecting a woman's quality of life and self confidence.


Men have learned that while the body’s processes can easily frustrate their desire, that doesn’t mean they have to like it or accept it. Drugs like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra have given men options to maintain a healthy sex life as they age, provoking legitimate claims that the medical industry only treats half of the problem. Until now.

Common Issues Impacting Feminine Wellness

  • Urinary Stress Incontinence
    Have you been experiencing urinary incontinence, pain during intimacy, or vaginal dryness? If so, you are not alone. Urinary incontinence affects 200 million people worldwide; in fact, one in four women over the age of 18 experience episodes of leaking urine involuntarily. Countless women also experience a decline in sexual pleasure, which can lead to frustration and a loss of confidence. Urinary stress incontinence is a condition in which a woman leaks urine from the bladder. This leakage is involuntary and usually occurs suddenly when the woman experiences stress on the bladder from coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercise or any other activity that places stress on the bladder. Urinary stress incontinence can result from childbirth, pelvic surgery (i.e. a hysterectomy) or aging. These factors can contribute to a weakened pelvic floor and urethral sphincter muscles, which in turn can cause involuntary bladder leakage. Female urinary stress incontinence is the involuntary release of urine during any physical activity that puts pressure on your bladder. It’s not the same as general incontinence. This potentially uncomfortable condition only happens when the bladder is under immediate physical stress. Activities that can put stress on your bladder include: coughing sneezing laughing lifting heavy objects or straining bending over Chances of developing stress incontinence increases with pregnancy and as you age. In fact, according to the American Academy of Physicians (AAP), about 50 percent of women between the ages of 40 to 60, and nearly 75 percent of women over the age of 75, have some form of urinary incontinence (UI). The actual figures may be even higher, since the condition is underreported and under diagnosed. According to the AAP, it estimates that about one-half of the women who experience UI do not report it to their doctors.
  • Vaginal Laxity
    Vaginal laxity is one of the most common yet overlooked health concerns among women. Childbirth, ageing, and certain medical conditions affect collagen levels in the skin and vaginal tissue, creating a feeling of looseness. Women dealing with this problem may also experience decreased libido, loss of sexual arousal, and reduced sexual satisfaction during intercourse. Fortunately, there are ways to treat vaginal laxity and improve your quality of life. Excessive relaxation of the vaginal muscles is a common occurrence after vaginal birth, or due to aging. Damage can diminish sensation during intercourse, reduce sexual satisfaction and change the relationship between partners. Laxity of the skin is caused by numerous factors; and no area is immune to this natural decline Due to the effects of childbirth, aging, trauma, and/or genetics, the vaginal tissue and surrounding muscles can become stretched and lose their strength and tone. The loose and unsatisfying feeling that many women feel can also be felt by their male partner during intercourse. Labial enlargement, unevenness, or traumatic tears from childbirth can also affect the labia to make it look unappealing. This can result in discomfort with intimate contact, chronic rubbing, a pulling sensation, vulvar pain, and an inability to wear certain types of clothes such as tight jeans or swimsuits. Laxity leads to loss of lubrication in the vaginal area, inability to attain an orgasm, and decreased sensitivity during intercourse. Other possible causes include excessive sexual activity, trauma to the vagina, certain genetic disorders, menopause, and multiple vaginal births. Research indicates that about 76 percent of women will experience this problem at some point.
  • Vaginal Dryness
    Vaginal dryness can be one symptom of a prevalent but little-known condition called vaginal atrophy. Normally, the walls of the vagina stay lubricated with a thin layer of clear fluid. The hormone estrogen helps maintain that fluid and keeps the lining of the vagina healthy, thick, and elastic. During menopause, the drop in estrogen levels reduces the amount of moisture available. It also makes the vagina thinner and less elastic. This is called vaginal atrophy. The majority of women entering perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause will experience vaginal dryness as a result of their bodies’ decreased estrogen production; however, dryness can occur as a result of other health conditions as well. Without adequate moisture in the area, the delicate skin can tear or become irritated and women can experience pain during sex. While women experience the consequences of painful sex most directly, their partners are affected as well. Men might feel rejected, frustrated, guilty, and fearful about the situation. Be sure to communicate openly and honestly about this issue. This way, you can avoid disconnection and find alternate forms of intimacy while waiting for your symptoms to heal.
  • Orgasmic Dysfunction and Loss of Sensitivity
    Orgasmic dysfunction is also known as anorgasmia or female orgasmic disorder. Orgasmic dysfunction is a condition that occurs when someone has difficulty reaching orgasm, even when they’re sexually aroused and there’s sufficient sexual stimulation. When this condition occurs in women, it’s known as female orgasmic dysfunction. Men can also experience orgasmic dysfunction, but this is much less common. Orgasms are an intense pleasurable release of sexual feelings during sexual stimulation accompanied by contractions of the genital muscles. They can vary in intensity, duration, and frequency. Orgasms can occur with little sexual stimulation, but sometimes much more stimulation is needed. It is estimated that in the United States 40% of women have sexual complaints and difficulty reaching orgasm with a partner, even after ample sexual stimulation. There are many problems that can keep a woman from enjoying sex. They include Lack of sexual desire Inability to become aroused Lack of orgasm, or sexual climax Painful intercourse Unfortunately for many women quite often these conditions are frequently underdiagnosed and undertreated. When sex is not enjoyable, it can become a chore rather than a mutually satisfying, playful and intimate experience. When orgasmic disorder persists, sexual desire usually declines and frequency of intercourse wanes, often causing resentment and conflict within a relationship.

Vaginal Rejuvenation: Non-Surgical vs Surgical Solutions for Feminine Wellness and Vaginal Health Issues in Melville, New York

Vaginal rejuvenation restores your vagina and makes it closer to the way it was prior to childbirth and aging. These procedures aim to reduce, reshape or tighten female genital tissues to help restore a firmer tone and/or a more youthful, symmetrical appearance. Patients choose vaginal rejuvenation for cosmetic reasons as well as to improve comfort and alleviate problems caused by vaginal tissue laxity, such as painful intercourse or stress urinary incontinence.

Surgical Vaginoplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginoplasty refers to a number of surgical procedures done to the treat the female genitalia both externally, and sometimes internally. These procedures can be either cosmetic or reconstructive in nature and require all of the components that normally go with a surgical procedure such as:​

  • Anesthesia

  • Recovery/Down time

  • Side-effects

  • Possible complications

Most Common Surgical Vaginoplasty Procedures for Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation is a blanket term used to describe an array of procedures that improve function and cosmetic concerns in the vaginal area typically with the following procedures:


  • Labiaplasty – procedure designed to reduce the length of the labia minora. It is the most commonly performed vaginal rejuvenation procedure and it is goal is to reduce the labia minora so that they don't hang below the hair-bearing labia majora. It also is used to relieve symptoms of women experience from twisting and tugging of the labia when exercising, wearing tight outfits such as bathing suits,or yoga pants, or sexual intercourse.

  • Vaginoplasty - procedure designed to tighten the inside vagina canal by removing extra skin from inside the back of the vaginal canal. Once removed, the tissues are tightened with strong sutures and the mucosal skin is sutured closed. This procedure typically results in a tighter vaginal canal.

  • Labia Majoraplasty - procedure designed to surgically reduce the size of the outer, hair-bearing labia majora.  The goa is for a smaller, tighter labia majora. In patients with excess skin, drooping of the labia majora when the patient is standing is usually improved.

  • Clitoral Hood Reduction – procedure is designed to reduce the excess folds of the clitoral hood, or prepuce. It’s goal is typically to improve the balance in appearance of the female genitalia and is most commonly done along with a labiaplasty.


The effects of surgical vaginal rejuvenation are most successful when you can avoid pregnancy and constipation. These conditions will put strain on your pelvic muscles and may undo some of the benefits of surgery. You can also decrease the risks by abstaining from smoking, keeping a healthy weight, and avoiding heavy lifting.

Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation in Melville New York

Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation is a collection of procedures that are aimed at addressing urinary incontinence, tightening of the vagina, restoring natural lubrication, improving the appearance of the vaginal area and stimulating the growth of healthier tissues around the vagina. Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation can lead to a more intimate sex life by restoring your sex drive, restoring sensation during intercourse and eliminating pain and burning.


Non-Surgical vaginal rejuvenation is a non-invasive procedure and is therefore quick to complete in 30-45 minutes and patients often report results almost immediately. In addition, there is no downtime for recovery, allowing women to continue with their daily responsibilities. Women seeking the convenience and efficiency of this process are ideal candidates for non-invasive, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.


Thanks to a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures like the O-Shot and ThermiVa, women can safely and efficiently regain their feminine wellness and relieve a wide range of symptoms caused by urinary and gynecological conditions. The O-Shot, is a new noninvasive treatment that aims to alleviate female sexual dysfunction. It is effective in treating urinary incontinence by extracting PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, from a woman's own blood and injecting it directly into the vaginal area. ThermiVa utilizes the toning and tightening properties of radiofrequency heat therapy to achieve remarkable results without any need for downtime or discomfort. Click here to learn more about ThermiVa and how it can help you with your Feminine Wellness.

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